Dream Team
The 2D4D research team is composed of post-doc, senior and junior researchers with a background in applied environmental economics, economic modelling and data science.
To assess the disruptive technical and socio-economic effects of digitalization in different sectors of the economy we will rely on a rich toolkit of complementary data-based and qualitative research approaches, including case studies, surveys, big data analytics, econometric analysis, and integrated assessment modelling.

Environmental and Innovation Economist with a Political Science background. Outdoorsy. Mom.
2d4d.eu/about-elena/ elena.verdolini@unibs.it

Integrated assessment modeller. Loves coding. Dad.
lolow.github.io laurent.drouet@eiee.org

Climate and human systems interaction modeler. Running/cycling/traveling junky.
soheilsh.com soheil.shayegh@eiee.org

Environmental economist and innovation system scholar, Cinephile, Good husband.
eiee.org/team-member/yeong-jae-kim/ yeongjae.kim@eiee.org

Applied microeconomist, loves laughter and alpine lake swims.
sites.google.com/site/caterinaalacevich/ caterina.alacevich@gmail.com

Focus on Green Economy and Sustainability with a degree in Banking and Finance. Hiker. eiee.org/team-member/lorenzo-torreggiani/ lorenzo.torreggiani@eiee.org

Senior Scientific Manager with a degree in Environmental Sciences. Cat-lover, dancer & actress.
eiee.org/team-member/mariaester-cassinelli/ mariaester.cassinelli@eiee.org

Science writer and visual communicator. Ocean lover and seawater addicted. Mom.
eiee.org/team-member/selvaggia-santin/ selvaggia.santin@cmcc.it